If you are already a member, SIGN IN
FWTri Club 2024 Season Membership
Club 2024 Season Membership* - $60.00 - Benefits include:

- FWTri Club bike water bottle
- Group training**
- How-to clinics (performance, nutrition, mechanics, mock tri, race day)
- Merchant and race discounts
- FREE membership for those actively serving in the Armed Services
- Discounted membership for Armed Services veterans
- Discounted membership for seniors 70 and older
- Discount for additional family members***
- Monthly club meetings
- Awards and recognition
- Club social events
- Advice from experienced athletes
- Club calendar and communications
- Club custom clothing & accessories available for purchase
- Insurance to cover members during organized club activities
- Charitable and volunteer opportunities
- Membership in the private club Facebook group
- A voice in club direction!

*Club season membership starts February 1st and ends the following January 31st, with a 3 month enrollment period for the upcoming season beginning November 1st through January 31st.

**Group training does not include coached workouts, it is intended to serve as a means of providing safety in numbers and a social environment for members to train together

***Please contact us at info@fwtriclub.com for discount details
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Categories *
   General Member - $60.00
   Family Member - $40.00
   Active Military Member - $0.00
   Veteran Member - $10.00
   Senior Member 70+ - $25.00
Name of family member that it is a current club member *
Please list the name of your family member that is a current FWTri Club member
Country *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Phone *
Birth Date *
Gender *
Are you a new member or are you renewing your current membership? *
How did you hear about FWTri Club?
Referred By:
Tell us about yourself! (Goals, achievements, etc.)
Military Service Information - Thank you!
Service Branch: *
Service Status: *
Waiver *
Read through the agreement.

I have read and agreed to the TERMS *
Is the participant 18 or older? *
  18 or older       Under 18
Payment Details
Discount or Tracking Code
Do not COPY & PASTE the code, please type it into this field.
Discount (-)
Total Owed

Payment Method

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